Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm on strike again...... at least for today

I haven't written for a few days. I've thought about it, but just haven't had the time. I've actually attempted to WORK this past week. I've been to the accountant, the bank, spent some time out in the shop and on a job site and once again volunteered myself at school for the day this Friday.

Sounds good, right? Let's just say that in accomplishing what needed to be done I've succeeded in creating a newer, bigger pile of stuff to fall into the "what needs to be done" category. My desk is a fire hazard.

Yesterday I almost cheerfully tackled the biggest new project of switching all our accounting to accrual instead of cash. After about 4 hours of entering stuff into my accounting software, I printed out this really sweet looking little report of everything financial about our business AT THIS EXACT MOMENT! Wow, was I impressed (almost). Two hours later I proudly pulled my husband over to the computer to take a look at my impressive accomplishment. Big smile on my face, waiting for the pat on the ass that usually follows such a brilliant display of my abilities....... I opened the accounting program and ...... IT LOOKED EXACTLY AS IT HAD ON DECEMBER 31, 2008. Another shining example of how I can manage to go even further backwards while attempting to move forward.

God bless the "save" button and thank you "Murphy" for making sure I hadn't pushed it. Today I am striking from my own business as a way of protesting my own stupidity........


  1. Sounds like you've been frustratingly busy. And, oh, the travails of the 'save' button. I have known the pain, too :)

  2. Hi Sunnyberra! Thanks for reading and I'm sorry for your pain too... :)
