Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blog Award - I'm a lucky winner!

I opened my comments today to find a special one from Pedro. He was kind enough to nominate ME for a blog award. Thank you Pedro.... much appreciated for sure!

Now the ball is in my court and I have a few rules I must follow as a recipient of this award:

1) choose 5 bloggers who I think are also worthy of this award to pass it on to

2) List 10 things about myself that others don't know

3) Post a quote

4) Now I can post the award on my blog

So...... here we go!

First of all I've run across many blogs that I enjoy. Here are 5 of my favorites:

  1. Mrs. Robinson's House

  2. The Gravel Farm

  3. The Flawed Blog

  4. Handbag Cave

  5. Faker

Take a peek at them sometime. Some will make you laugh and others will make you think. Sometimes they'll do both!

Next..... 10 things about me... hmmm.. I guess they won't be secrets anymore

  1. I'm pretty much the "black sheep" of my family due to my views and thoughts

  2. I'm actually fairly intellegent and if IQ were truly any measure of how successful a person should be, I should me a millionaire any day now :)

  3. Even though I sometimes come across as fairly crass, I do actually have a soft heart

  4. I enjoy alot of the "old fashioned" hobbies, such as quilting and canning/freezing my own vegetables from the garden

  5. I'm fairly creative and enjoy designing and building unique things out of wood and stone

  6. I used to dream of becoming a concert pianist and love playing piano (especially classical music)

  7. I grew up in an excavating family and worked in the gravel pits or on jobs on and off since I was a kid. I think that upbringing is a big part of why I don't do well in the confines of a typical office setting. It's also where I first learned how to swear like a trucker :)

  8. I love to go fishing, but I hate eating fish. Good thing the rest of my family hates fishing, but loves to eat fish... gives me the peace and quiet fishing time and a useful reason for doing it

  9. I have a high sex drive. Kind of personal, I know, but I'm running out of things to say!

  10. I hate doing laundry and dishes more than anything else (except maybe cleaning the bathroom).

As for a quote, I don't know who said it, but I read it somewhere a few years back and it's always stuck in my mind:

Some people are like slinkies. They aren't really good for anything, but they're still fun to push down a flight of stairs.


  1. Congratulations Laura! I love your post, and I am so flattered you have chosen me. I am speechless. Love the 10 facts we dont know about you! I'll see if I can do as good as you did! :)

  2. Thanks for the selection. I'm honored. Hope that I can get more people to see the good that you see in my blog. ;-)

  3. I love that quote... we've just had a laugh about it in the office.


  4. Know a few people like "slinkies" do ya? Actually the day I found that quote it was due to frustration in this office. It's been posted on the office refrigerator ever since :)
